Shining a light on how sleep affects memory, cognition, and emotion

In partnership with Harvard Medical School & Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center



Special Issue Festschrift in honor of Dr. Robert Stickgold

On the occasion of the end of his 20-year tenure as the Director of the Center for Sleep and Cognition at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, we are organizing a Festschrift – a collection of writings published in honor of an influential scholar – to celebrate Robert Stickgold’s long and impactful career in sleep and circadian science. The Festschrift will be published as a special issue of the peer-reviewed, open access journal SLEEP Advances.


All sleep and circadian researchers and researchers from related fields are invited to submit an article for the Festschrift that builds on or is inspired by Bob’s work. We welcome joint contributions with colleagues and trainees as coauthors. The article, in addition to highlighting one or more of Bob’s seminal contributions, should contain original research that is based on or an extension of Bob’s foundational work. We will also allow a small number of critical and insightful reviews of the relevant literature, opinion, and theoretical pieces with pre-approval from the associate editors. A non-exhaustive list of some of the areas that Bob has contributed to over the course of his career can be found here.


The initial deadline for submission of an article to be included in the Festschrift special issue is June 30, 2024. The cover letter should indicate that the submission is for inclusion in the Festschrift in honor of Robert Stickgold and all submissions will go through the standard peer review and publication process through the Open Access journal SLEEP Advances. Please note that SLEEP Advances is an open access journal supported by publication fees. (click here for SRS member and non-member OA fees in SLEEP Advances based on article type). Click here the full invitation notice including Instructions for Authors, information on the Peer Review and Publication process, Open Access information, and a list of potential topics. Sponsored by contributions from the BIDMC Psychiatry Department, SLEEP Advances, Dr. Jessica Payne, and Dr. Erin Wamsley.


About the Center for Sleep and Cognition

Learn about our mission and the people who get the CfSC out of bed in the morning.

waning moon

Read the Latest Research

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darker moon

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The sleep doctor is in...

The Center for Sleep and Cognition (CfSC) has been conducting cutting-edge, innovative sleep research in Boston for over 20 years. The lab uses sleep as a tool to investigate the fundamental building blocks of memory, cognition, and emotion.

The current director of the CfSC, Dr. Tony Cunningham, is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Massachusetts with research interests at the intersection of clinical psychology and cognitive neuroscience.

Read the Latest Sleep Research

model of brain
small model of brain

The Center for Sleep and Cognition specializes in investigating the strengths and limitations of sleep in promoting healthy memory, cognitive, and emotional functioning in both healthy and clinical populations. For two decades, the work led by Dr. Robert Stickgold produced many seminal papers that aided in establishing the foundation for the field of sleep and memory. This work continues under the direction of Dr. Tony Cunningham with an eye on translating these findings into novel and effective therapeutic treatments for a variety of psychiatric conditions.

Book a Speaking Engagement

person at conference
person raising hand at conference

The CfSC team is always enthusiastic to promote the importance of sleep to the public. Contact us today for more details on being involved in your next public speaking or corporate retreat event, webinar or seminar series, media inquiry, or individual consultation.

“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.”

— Frederick Nietzsche